Imagine Great People!!We help your business find, hire, keep, and develop great people through the use of proven, powerful, easy-to-use systems and tools:-Reduce hiring mistakes, -Accelerate the hiring process,-Improve hiring precision, -Minimize the costs of a bad hire-Increase retention -Reduce turnover, -Reduce absenteeism, -Increase productivity, -Build powerful teams, -Discover and develop leaders.-Data-driven processes, -Evidence-based Predictive metrics -available in English, Spanish and French CanadianWe help you spend less time finding great people. Then we help you be much smarter about these people: How they think, how they will behave, what their real interests are, how they will perform in your business and fit your organizational culture. We help you discover things that are impossible to learn from resumes or interviews alone.Our mission is to make your business more harmonious, more profitable and less stressful. Our Tools Work…Call us for a free consult to discover how this would work for you.
We’ve used Polaris Profiles for years to help Marlin Steel Wire institutionalize a structured hiring system so we know who to hire and who not to hire, saving us substantial amounts of time and money. Polaris' talent management system is a “godsend,” providing us less aggravation and less surprises during the hiring process. It's a great product.
"Tom is very purposeful about his mission of aligning employees and companies. I've interacted with his methods and have found them sound in helping companies acquire teams that move their business on the right track. I highly recommend him."
Tom is a masterful coach and causes collaborations to become a real TEAM under his guidance. He immediately addresses what’s important to the client and is always listening for and reliably delivering that which would make the difference in what they are dealing with and what they are committed to.
Polaris helps healthcare companies build a high-performing workforce by implementing executive and employee talent management solutions. Tom’s 30 years’ services integration experience in public and private health services organizations and hospitals includes work with Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and HEW. Strategic thinking at its best.
We wanted a real data-based, actionable process to groom our leadership teams. Using Polaris Profiles’ 360 degree feedback approach, we took the pulse of the organization, assessed leadership behaviors and effectiveness, and raised our ability to execute against our company mission. It is a most valuable process. It makes the needle move.
The PXT Select helps organizations make the very human decisions about hiring simpler and smarter. This online selection assessment measures a candidate's Thinking Style, Behavioral Traits and Interests--3 areas that impact an individual's approach to situations in the workplace. The robust suite of reports supports your best selection decision, providing measures of "job fit" as well as interview questions that have been vetted against DOL, EEO and ADA guidelines. This process eliminates unconscious bias.The PXT Select offers a suite of reports that enhance selection, onboarding, coaching and succession within an organization. Whether you have a new hire or an employee who has been with the company for 10 years, PXT Select can help keep that employee capable, engaged, and excited to come to work.3 Key Questions that lead to a good hire:Does s/he fit the job?Does s/he fit the culture?Does s/he feel passionate about the work?Call to see how this fits your compan
Having the right people in the right jobs is truly powerful. PXT Select™ not only helps you find the right people, but also helps you shape the overall employee experience. PXT Select’s suite of reports helps you select, onboard, coach, and develop employees who fit the job to reach their full potential.The PXT Select offers a Perfomance Model for each and details cognitive ability, ocupational interests and behavioral traits of top perfoming employees in your company. The information informs the job descriptions, the job advertisements and a method for diferentiating candidates for the most judicious hiring decision. It also provides onboarding and coaching infomation. The system helps you establish a structured hiring process that makes all phases of hiring more methodical and easier to manage.
Having the right people in the right jobs is truly powerful. PXT Select™ not only helps you find the right people, but also helps you shape the overall employee experience. PXT Select’s suite of reports helps you select, onboard, coach, and develop employees to reach their full potential.The Checkpoint 360 gives detailed perceptions of the management team from Boss, Peers and Direct Reports. It gives the CEO a view of the organization 3 levels down. A powerful development process.Call and request the "PXTS Job Fit Journal."
Turnover costs companies millions! Selecting people who fit the job is key. You must assure that s/he has the cognitive ability, behavioral traits and the passion for the job. The PXT Select can measure the person's fit to a performance model designed for each job in your company. Employees who fit the job and the company culture are more engaged and stay with the company longer.Entry level turnover can be dramatically reduced by using our Step One Survey that provides data on personal and job history, and indicators of reliability, honesty, work ethic and attitude toard drugs. These are the "employability characteristics" that are most predictive of turnover potential. Imagine a stable workforce!Call us to see how this might work for your company. Ask for the INC Magazine blog, "He Was a Super Worker So We Made Him a Supervisor. OOPS!"
PXT for Sales TeamsHave a sales team? PXT Select provides three powerful reports that include a view of critical sales practices and incorporate sales language to help Sales Managers hire, onboard, and develop their salespeople. You can benchmark and "clone" your top sales people with specific reference to eight critical sales practices, such as Prospecting, Self Starting, Building and Maintaining Relationships and Closing the Sale.With our processes, you can elevate your "B" Players to "A" Performers and make certain that your new hires fit the Performance Model of your top people.Give us a call to discover how this would work in your business and your market.
Quality of care, performance, harmony, profitability--all these are affected by how organizations "people" their operations. Nursing homes, Public Access Hospitals, and teaching hospitals like Moses Cohen and the University of Texas Health Sciences Center have used the Profiles assessment systems to very great advantage. Caldwell Memorial reduced entry-level turnover by 60% in 6 months. John Porretto, EVP, COO (Ret.), University of Texas Health Sciences Center (Houston) attests: “As someone in an industry challenged by escalating costs, coupled with 68% of the operating budget tied up in people, it is imperative that we select and retain the right people. “We have used the Profiles family of assessments for 5 years, reducing our turnover rate by one third. I highly recommend that you give them the opportunity to improve your bottom line at your company.”
Want to make an impact in your company? With the PXT Select™ Expert Practitioner Certification, you can become your organization’s PXT Select expert advisor by learning how to utilize and implement this powerful solution to help you select, onboard, coach and develop your employees to perform their jobs successfully. This certification is the best resource for gaining foundational knowledge and practical experience to implement PXT Select in your organization.
Our online 3-week course gives you the flexibility of self-paced learning paired with a live virtual classroom experience designed to build your confidence and competence in using PXT Select in your organization. Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive the credential of PXT Select Certified Practitioner. Certified Practitioners who are also SHRM credential-holders also have the opportunity to earn 12 professional development credits (PDC) from the Society for Human Resource Management.
Program components:
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