It takes effort to hire the right people. Keeping top talent requires even more. Our full suite of reports helps managers support new employees to ramp up quickly and effectively. Develop bench strength by getting a full picture of how employees might fit future job assignments or opportunities. Our suite of reports helps organizations like yours optimize their talent strategy. Used beyond hiring and selection, PXT Select™ can help managers onboard, coach, and develop new hires, or develop existing talent in the organization.
This report contains an individual’s assessment results as well as coaching tips about how they may approach different aspects of their role.
This report provides the same benefit as the Coaching report, but with a focus on sales positions. It uses sales-related language throughout the report.
This report compares an individual’s results with those of his manager. Managers often use this to start off on the right foot with new employees, and to build a more effective relationship with them.
When used for employee development purposes, this report provides insight into a person’s leadership potential and their approach to six leadership skills commonly required of organizational leaders. Each of the six leadership skills are illustrated in relation to the individual’s results, featuring their potential leadership strengths and challenges.
This report helps managers and employees address the group’s dynamics in a constructive way. It is designed so that each team member can receive a personalized report, with the feedback written for them. A great tool for teams to understand their similarities and differences.
When used for employee development purposes, this report shows how aligned an individual is to different positions in the organization that may be part of their career path. Managers can then use this information to help employees prepare for future roles.
This report provides a candidate’s results in narrative form. It does not provide the candidate’s Job Fit results, nor does it make a comparison of the candidate against the Performance Model. Instead, it explains what the assessment measures and provides and interpretation of the results.
This report provides the same benefit as the Individual’s Feedback report, but with a focus on sales positions. It uses sales-related language throughout the report.
This report shows a participant’s results on the Thinking Style and Behavioral Traits scales, as well as Interests, giving a visual representation of the person’s results. Because this report doesn’t provide guidance for interpretation it is highly recommended that it is provided along with the Individual’s Feedback Report.
See the full suite of reports on the Resources page.
Identify employees with high potential and actively plan their careers and development.
Now that you hired the right people, properly onboard them and help them fit the culture of the team and the organization.
Accountable employees feel more connected to their employer, and are motivated to contribute above and beyond.