Step 3: CHOOSE | Know the Fit
Gathering information from the résumé and the interview is a great start, but how do you know you’re choosing the right person? Or maybe you have two great candidates, but aren’t sure who might be the ideal match?
Choosing a candidate is a huge responsibility. If you make the right choice, it’s a win. If you don’t make the right choice, it can cost your organization thousands of dollars—not to mention the extra time and effort of recruiting someone new and fixing any damage the “bad” hire left behind.
The PXT Select™ assessment compares candidate results to the job requirements and provides an overall Job Fit result. The closer the result to the target, the better the fit. With our unique Job Fit feature, PXT Select measures the overall fit to the role across 20 different variables that span Thinking Style, Behavioral Traits, and Interests. This provides unbiased insight across all candidates in the selection process.